Monday, January 26, 2015

Shutter Speed Exercise - Motion Blur - Freezing Action - Tracking

In 3 well exposed (not underexposed or overexposed) capture an example of the following:

  • Freezing Action
  • Motion Blur
  • Tracking 

Label each picture with the shutter speed and ISO you used. 

See the examples below.....

Freezing Action
Shutter Speed 1/1250 seconds

ISO 3200

Motion Blur
Shutter speed 1.6 seconds
ISO 100

Shutter Speed 1/3 seconds
ISO 400

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Shutter Speed

The next fundamental of exposure we will explore is Shutter Speed.

By changing shutter speeds you not only control how long light enters the camera but also how motion is captured in your image.

Shutter Priority Mode is when you set the Shutter Speed of the camera and the camera sets the Aperture.

Set the camera to Shutter Priority by turning the Mode Dial to S

Use the Thumb dial to set the Shutter Speed.

Follow this link for a description of how shutter speed works.

Today we will use various shutter speeds to:
1. Freeze motion (fast shutter speed of 1/125 or higher)
2. Create a Motion Blur (Shutter speed of 1/15 or slower)
3. Track motion (shutter speed of 1/60

Thursday, January 15, 2015

ISO Blog post

Now we will learn how to change the ISO settings on your camera.

Today we will explore how changing the ISO settings affects the pictures we take.

Today you will go out for 10 minutes and take the following pictures:
  • Set the ISO to 100 and take 1 picture somewhere inside the building
  • Set the ISO to 800 and take 1 picture somewhere inside the building
  • Set the ISO to HI 02 and take 1 picture somewhere inside the building
  • Set the ISO to 100 and take 1 picture outside
  • Set the ISO to 800 and take 1 picture outside
  • Set the ISO to HI 02 and take 1 picture outside
Upload each picture to a blog post titled "ISO Exercise" and label each picture according to ISO and location (inside or outside).

Answer the following questions.

What happens to the pictures with low ISO inside?
What happens with high ISO inside?
What happens with low ISO outside?
What happens with high ISO outside?
How does the medium (800) affect the pictures?

ISO Explained

Last class you were introduced to ISO.

ISO is  how sensitive the sensor in the camera is to light.

Low ISO = Low Sensitivity to Light
High ISO = High Sensitivity to Light

The ISO numbers double as they increase: 100 - 200 - 400 - 800, etc. Notice that this means each setting makes the camera twice as sensitive to light as the previous setting.

The ISO ranges from 100 to 3200 and above. There is also a "High 01" and High 02" setting.

Here are some links that go into greater detail about ISO.

You should always try to use the LOWEST ISO POSSIBLE to obtain the best quality image.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Exposure basics

Exposure Guide dot com

Exposure Basics form Nikon

Types of Digital Cameras

There are different types of digital cameras. Which one you choose will depend on how much control you want over your photography and price.
These links do a good job of describing the various types of cameras available.

The articles above explain that there are three types of digital cameras, Point and Shoot, Bridge, and DSLRs. You need to know the differences and advantages and disadvantages of each type.

We will be using Nikon DSLRs in class. Here is a link to the online guide for the Nikon D 3100.

You'll need to know how to access the online guide and find information about the Nikon D 3100.

You need to know the following:

  • Find the Mode Dial
  • Locate and explain the various settings on the Mode Dial, including P, S, A, M and the Auto modes
  • Find the Information Display, and locate and click on the ISO, Aperture, and Shutter settings within the display.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Difference Between a Photograph and a Snapshop

Review the following articles....

Snapshot or Photograph, what is the difference?

What constitutes landscape photography over that of a snapshot?

Here are a couple more that deal with the subject...

Philosophy of Photography: Photograph versus a snapshot

Finally, are you a photographer?

In new blog post, discuss the important aspects of these articles. Think of the following questions...

What are differences between a snapshot and a photograph?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type?
Do you agree or disagree with the author's definitions?? Explain your answer.
Can a snapshot ever qualify as art? Why or why not?


Welcome to class! Prepare yourself to be challenged both creatively and technically!

First we'll go over the syllabus and projects for the semester, and then we'll each set up a blog. After you create your blog send the address to me at

Also, please review the syllabus with your parent or guardian and ask them to send me an email confirmation that you have read it.