Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hands On Quiz - Finding Correct Exposure

Today you will find the correct exposure for 3 different lighting conditions.

The pictures should be properly exposed...you should see details in both the highlights and shadow areas of the pictures.

1. Outside on a sunny day
2. Inside the auditorium
3. In a hallway in school

Each time first take a picture with the following settings;

ISO -  400
Aperture - f 11
Shutter Speed 1/125

Next adjust the exposure settings until you find the correct exposure for each lighting situation.

Write down the settings for each picture.

Upload the pictures to your blog. Due today.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Upload any late work and begin Final Portfolio

Please take a look at the blog and upload any work that you might have missed.

Make sure that all of the pictures have been DESATURATED - Converted to Black and White.

If you are sure that all of your assignments are up to date then begin work on your Final Portfolio.

In the first section you will post your 10 strongest images from the semester and provide a brief critique of each including 1 very strong element and 1 element you could improve upon. NOTE- Pick something from the Critique Guide.

In the second part you will provide an assessment of your portfolio and your work ethic.

Individual Image Critique

Post your 10 strongest images of the semester. All images must be in black and white although you may include a color version.
 For each image discuss one strong point from the critique guide and one area you could improve upon.Please assess your work and level of success on this project in each of the 3 main critique areas. Use the critique guidelines to help you with terminology and comments, 

I feel I have ____ exceeded/ ____ met/ ____fallen short of the objective for this image because.....

Overall Portfolio-Semester work

Please answer the following questions about your overall work this semester  using the 1-4 scale: 

1=Not at all, 2=Somewhat, 3=Mostly, 4=Absolutely

I completed my assignments on time 1 2 3 4

I fulfilled all assignments 1 2 3 4

Made good use of class time 1 2 3 4

Used a creative approach 1 2 3 4

My pictures unique and original 1 2 3 4

My craftsmanship is excellent 1 2 3 4

My images are sharp and focused 1 2 3 4

My images are well composed 1 2 3 4

My images have good contrast and exposure 1 2 3 4

My photography sets a mood 1 2 3 4

Edit, Critiques, and Post Zoo Pictures

Today you will post your pictures from the Zoo trip.
Due Today at end of class.
Subjects include:



The images should be:

Cropped if necessary
Desaturated (Black and White)
The levels or Curves should be adjusted to make the lights and shadows stand out.

Post the pictures to your blog

Next, write a DETAILED critique of the best picture of the 5 you posted.
1. Pick your best image from the 5 and write an In-Depth critique of it. Use the Critique Guide above. Address EVERY part of every section of the guide. Ask me if there is a section you do not understand.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Extracurricular Activities

Today, due to the testing shedule and short class period, you will take pictures of an extracurricular activity. Go to various rooms, ROTC, Band, Sports, FAC, and take pictures that document an activty in school.

Please be polite and ask permission.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Post and Critique Pictures Fron the Square

Download, Edit, and Post the Ozark Square Pictures from the field trip.

Crop, De-saturate and adjust Levels or Curves to get the best possible  image. 

Your pictures should include:

3 City Scenes

3 Architectural Details - either Close ups or Textures

Pick one of the pictures above and write a thorough critique in a new blog post

If you have good shots of any of the following then you should post them also
People - Environmental portraits
Plants or Nature

Monday, April 20, 2015


Previously we learned how to adjust and improve the overall tonal contrast of an image with Levels using the Levels adjustment layer.

The levels tool is good for adjusting the shadows and highlights of a picture, but it is limited in its ability to adjust the mid-tones in a picture. There is only one slider for the gray tones in the levels tool.

When we use Curves we have the ability to adjust many different tones of gray in our image.

Please watch the video below to learn how to locate and use the Curves adjustment layer.


Using Curves Adjustment layers, create 3 three variations of an image you have taken.

First crop and De-Saturate the image.

Then make 1 layer a moderate "S" curve. This will give you an evenly toned picture with a moderate range of contrast.

Next make a second layer where you have moved the white and dark gray tone to black.

Next make a third layer where you have moved the black and dark gray tone to white.

Save screen shots of the curves window by one of these 2 ways:
1. use the Snipping tool to capture and paste the Curves window into your post
2. Holding down the alt-print screen key and pasting the image into paint. Do this for each of the Curves variations you make. 

Your Blog post should look like the following:

S Curve

White tones to Black

Black tones to White

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dodging and Burning in Photoshop

Today we will discuss the Burning and Dodging tools in photoshop.

i will give a demonstration in class but there is a great tutorial here if you need to see it written out step by step. The tutorial covers everything i will show in class.

After I show you how to use the tools you will post an example of your use of the tools. The instructions and examples are below:

Post a before and after picture demonstrating your use of the Burn and dodge tools in Photoshop.

The burn tool will darken areas of your image, and the Dodge tool will lighten areas of your image.

In a brief paragraph explain the areas that you burned and dodged.

Follow the example below:

Original Photograph

I dodged the highlights on the bananas and in the blurry chair in the backgound. I felt like the picture would be stronger if you could better see the details in the distance.
I burned the details in the glass bowl as well as in the bananas because I felt that the bowl was too grayish and i wanted more contrast. Finally I burned the wall on the right of the bowl because it was hard to see where the bowl ended and the wall began.